For years, credit cards have been considered the staple of transactions, both online and in person. This is completely understandable, as credit cards give you the opportunity to purchase things with credit and pay those purchases back at a later time. Credit cards also give you the chance to increase your credit score so you can make big life purchases in the future. No matter which way you look at it, credit cards are popular and frequently used for a reason. But why, in more detail, should you as a business offer this payment processing solution? To learn about why we believe it’s the best option for your business and its success, our team at Payeex have come up with some information below.
More Sales
While this may seem like an obvious statement, the more payment options you offer means the more business you make. This is especially true with credit cards, as previously mentioned, they are incredibly popular in the world of retail. When a customer is given more options to pay, this offers them a sense of comfort and reliability that they wouldn’t feel at businesses that didn’t offer the same choices.
Better, Faster Cash Flow
When you want to be certain cash is coming into your business as quickly as possible, offering credit card solutions to your customers is the best way of doing so. This is because cash paid with credit cards gets to businesses within one to seven days after the purchase has been made. With other payment methods like cash or cheques, businesses will have to wait for these transactions to clear before they can see the money in their account. With credit card payments, this transaction and transfer of money is seamless.
It Reveals Important Data
Getting information on some of your most loyal customers is important if you want to continue making your business succeed. With the help of credit card solutions, businesses can capture important data on their customers’ spending habits. With the ability to fully track every customer’s credit card purchases, you can get a better idea on what sells best & what to market in your store to increase profit and popularity.
The Risk of Fraud Decreases
Unlike cash and cheques, credit cards offer a level of security that is truly unmatched. When you offer the ability for customers to pay with credit, you greatly reduce the risk of fraudulent activities like bounced checks, counterfeit bills, etc. In the long run, this won’t just help save your customer base from time and money but will also help your business save loads of time and cash that would otherwise be spent trying to fix these problems.
Let Our Company Help
If you own a business and are looking to succeed in the ever growing, competitive space of the Greater Toronto Area, let our team at Payeex help. With a wide variety of high-tech, affordable payment solutions, you can offer your customers the best transaction experience possible, driving your numbers up and giving yourself the ability to better track and understand your business. To learn more about our credit card processing solutions, be sure to call us at (905) 947-9818 today!